The paper deals with stochastic difference-of-convex functions (DC) programs, that is, optimization problems whose the cost function is a sum of a lower semicontinuous DC function and the expectation of a stochastic DC function with respect to a probability distribution. This class of nonsmooth and nonconvex stochastic optimization problems plays a central role in many practical applications. Although there are many contributions in the context of convex and/or smooth stochastic optimization, algorithms dealing with nonconvex and nonsmooth programs remain rare. In deterministic optimization literature, the DC Algorithm (DCA) is recognized to be one of the few algorithms to solve effectively nonconvex and nonsmooth optimization problems. The main purpose of this paper is to present some new stochastic DCAs for solving stochastic DC programs. The convergence analysis of the proposed algorithms is carefully studied, and numerical experiments are conducted to justify the algorithms' behaviors.
翻译:本文论述的是随机混凝土功能差异(DC)程序,即优化问题,其成本功能是低半连续的DC函数的总和,对概率分布的预期是随机的DC函数。这种非吸附和非混凝土吸附优化问题在许多实际应用中发挥着核心作用。虽然在混凝土和/或平滑的随机优化方面有许多贡献,但处理非混凝土和非吸附程序的算法仍然很少。在确定性优化文献中,DC Algorithm(DCA)被确认为有效解决非凝固和非吸附优化问题的少数算法之一。本文件的主要目的是介绍一些新的随机DCA,以解决混凝土的DCA程序。对拟议算法的趋同分析正在认真研究,并且进行了数字实验,以证明算法行为的合理性。