Rank histograms are popular tools for assessing the reliability of meteorological ensemble forecast systems. A reliable forecast system leads to a uniform rank histogram, and deviations from uniformity can indicate miscalibrations. However, the ability to identify such deviations by visual inspection of rank histogram plots crucially depends on the number of bins chosen for the histogram. If too few bins are chosen, the rank histogram is likely to miss miscalibrations; if too many are chosen, even perfectly calibrated forecast systems can yield rank histograms that do not appear uniform. In this paper we address this trade-off and propose a method for choosing the number of bins for a rank histogram. The goal of our method is to select a number of bins such that the intuitive decision whether a histogram is uniform or not is as close as possible to a formal statistical test. Our results indicate that it is often appropriate to choose fewer bins than the usual choice of ensemble size plus one, especially when the number of observations available for verification is small.
翻译:级直方图是评估气象混合预报系统可靠性的常用工具。 可靠的预报系统导致划一直方图, 且与统一的偏差可能显示校正错误。 然而, 通过直方图平面平面平面平面平面平面平面平面平面平面平面平面图进行直观检查来识别此类偏差的能力, 关键取决于为直方图选择的垃圾箱数量。 如果选择的垃圾箱太少, 等级直方图可能误差; 如果选择的太多, 甚至完全校准的预报系统也可能产生看起来不统一的平面直方图。 在本文中, 我们讨论这一取舍, 并提议一个方法, 用于选择一个直方图平面平面平面平面平面平面平面平面平面平面平面平面平面平面平面。 我们的方法是选择一个数的垃圾箱, 以便直观决定直观判断直方平面平面图是否与正式的统计测试不相近。 我们的结果表明, 选择比通常选择的组合尺寸平面平面平面平面平面平面图往往更合适, 特别是当选择较少。