A variety of modern applications exhibit multi-view multi-label learning, where each sample has multi-view features, and multiple labels are correlated via common views. In recent years, several methods have been proposed to cope with it and achieve much success, but still suffer from two key problems: 1) lack the ability to deal with the incomplete multi-view weak-label data, in which only a subset of features and labels are provided for each sample; 2) ignore the presence of noisy views and tail labels usually occurring in real-world problems. In this paper, we propose a novel method, named CEMENT, to overcome the limitations. For 1), CEMENT jointly embeds incomplete views and weak labels into distinct low-dimensional subspaces, and then correlates them via Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion (HSIC). For 2), CEMEMT adaptively learns the weights of embeddings to capture noisy views, and explores an additional sparse component to model tail labels, making the low-rankness available in the multi-label setting. We develop an alternating algorithm to solve the proposed optimization problem. Experimental results on seven real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
翻译:各种现代应用都展示了多视图多标签学习,每个样本都有多视图特征,多个标签通过共同观点相互关联。近些年来,提出了几种方法来应对并取得很多成功,但仍存在两个关键问题:(1) 缺乏处理不完整的多视图弱标签数据的能力,其中每个样本只提供一组特征和标签;(2) 忽视现实世界问题中通常出现的噪音观点和尾贴标签。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的方法,名为CEment,以克服这些限制。 1) CONT将不完整观点和薄弱标签联合嵌入不同的低维次空间,然后通过Hilbert-Schmidt独立性克鲁特(HSICT)将其联系起来。 2), CEMEMMT适应性地学习嵌入的权重,以捕捉噪音观点,并探索模拟尾贴标签的另外一种稀薄成分,在多标签环境中提供。我们开发了一种交替的算法,以解决拟议的优化问题。7个现实世界数据集的实验结果展示了拟议方法的有效性。