Complex animated transitions may be easier to understand when divided into separate, consecutive stages. However, effective staging requires careful attention to both animation semantics and timing parameters. We present Gemini2, a system for creating staged animations from a sequence of chart keyframes. Given only a start state and an end state, Gemini2 can automatically recommend intermediate keyframes for designers to consider. The Gemini2 recommendation engine leverages Gemini, our prior work, and GraphScape to itemize the given complex change into semantic edit operations and to recombine operations into stages with a guided order for clearly conveying the semantics. To evaluate Gemini2's recommendations, we conducted a human-subject study in which participants ranked recommended animations from both Gemini2 and Gemini. We find that Gemini2's animation recommendation ranking is well aligned with subjects' preferences, and Gemini2 can recommend favorable animations that Gemini cannot support.
翻译:复杂动画转换如果分为不同的连续阶段,可能比较容易理解。 但是, 有效的组合需要谨慎地关注动画语义和时间参数。 我们展示了 Gemini2, 一个用图表键盘序列创建分阶段动画的系统。 由于只有起始状态和结束状态, Gemini2 可以自动推荐设计师考虑的中间键框架。 Gemini2 推荐引擎利用我们先前的工作Gemini, 以及 GreaScape 将给定的复杂变化逐项化为语义编辑操作, 并用一个清晰表达语义的引导顺序将阵列作业逐项化为各个阶段。 为了评估 Gemini2 的建议, 我们进行了一项人类主题研究, 参与者在其中对Gemini2 和 Gemini 推荐的动画进行了排序。 我们发现 Gemini2 的动画建议排序与对象的偏好一致, Gemini2 可以推荐Gemini不能支持的有利动画。