The development of domain ontological models, though being a mature research arena backed by well-established methodologies, still suffer from two key shortcomings. Firstly, the issues concerning the semantic persistency of ontology concepts and their flexible reuse in domain development employing existing approaches. Secondly, due to the difficulty in understanding and reusing top-level concepts in existing foundational ontologies, the obfuscation regarding the semantic nature of domain representations. The paper grounds the aforementioned shortcomings in representation diversity and proposes a three-fold solution - (i) a pipeline for rendering concepts reuse-ready, (ii) a first characterization of a minimalistic foundational knowledge model, named foundational teleology, semantically explicating foundational distinctions enforcing the static as well as dynamic nature of domain representations, and (iii) a flexible, reuse-native methodology for diversity-aware domain development exploiting solutions (i) and (ii). The preliminary work reported validates the potentiality of the solution components.
翻译:开发域本体模型虽然是一个成熟的研究领域,有既定方法的支持,但仍存在两个主要缺陷:第一,关于本体概念的语义持久性和利用现有方法在开发领域灵活再利用的问题;第二,由于难以理解和重新使用现有基本理论中的顶级概念,关于域表的语义性质的模糊不清;该文件说明了上述代表多样性的缺点,并提出了三重解决办法:(一) 使概念可以重新利用的管道;(二) 首次描述最起码基础知识模型,称为基础电传学,在应用域表的静态和动态性质时,用字义复制基本区别,以及(三) 利用解决办法(一)和(二) 为多样性领域发展提供灵活、再利用的新方法。