This paper introduces a novel representation of convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in terms of 2-D dynamical systems. To this end, the usual description of convolutional layers with convolution kernels, i.e., the impulse responses of linear filters, is realized in state space as a linear time-invariant 2-D system. The overall convolutional Neural Network composed of convolutional layers and nonlinear activation functions is then viewed as a 2-D version of a Lur'e system, i.e., a linear dynamical system interconnected with static nonlinear components. One benefit of this 2-D Lur'e system perspective on CNNs is that we can use robust control theory much more efficiently for Lipschitz constant estimation than previously possible.
翻译:本文介绍了卷积神经网络(CNN)的一种新的二维动态系统表示。为此,利用传统的卷积层与卷积核的描述,即线性滤波器的脉冲响应,将其在状态空间中实现为一个线性时不变的二维系统。然后将由卷积层和非线性激活函数组成的整个CNN视为2-D Lur'e系统的版本,即与静态非线性组件相互连接的线性动态系统。这种将CNN视为2-D Lur'e系统的观点的一个优点是,可以比以前更有效地使用鲁普希茨常数的鲁棒控制理论进行估计。