Those best-positioned to profit from the proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI) systems are those with the most economic power. Extant global inequality has motivated Western institutions to involve more diverse groups in the development and application of AI systems, including hiring foreign labour and establishing extra-national data centers and laboratories. However, given both the propensity of wealth to abet its own accumulation and the lack of contextual knowledge in top-down AI solutions, we argue that more focus should be placed on the redistribution of power, rather than just on including underrepresented groups. Unless more is done to ensure that opportunities to lead AI development are distributed justly, the future may hold only AI systems which are unsuited to their conditions of application, and exacerbate inequality.
翻译:最能从人工智能系统(AI)扩散中获利的正是那些拥有最经济实力的人工智能系统。全球不平等的加剧促使西方机构让更多不同群体参与AI系统的开发和应用,包括雇用外国劳工和设立国外数据中心和实验室。然而,鉴于财富往往会助长其自身积累,而且自上而下AI解决方案缺乏背景知识,我们认为,应当更加侧重于权力的重新分配,而不仅仅是将代表性不足的群体包括在内。 除非做出更多努力,确保公正分配导致AI发展的机会,否则未来可能只拥有不适合其应用条件的AI系统,并加剧不平等。