To systematically study the implications of additional information about routes provided to certain users (e.g., via GPS-based route guidance systems), we introduce a new class of congestion games in which users have differing information sets about the available edges and can only use routes consisting of edges in their information set. After defining the notion of Information Constrained Wardrop Equilibrium (ICWE) for this class of congestion games and studying its basic properties, we turn to our main focus: whether additional information can be harmful (in the sense of generating greater equilibrium costs/delays). We formulate this question in the form of Informational Braes' Paradox (IBP), which extends the classic Braess' Paradox in traffic equilibria, and asks whether users receiving additional information can become worse off. We provide a comprehensive answer to this question showing that in any network in the series of linearly independent (SLI) class, which is a strict subset of series-parallel networks, IBP cannot occur, and in any network that is not in the SLI class, there exists a configuration of edge-specific cost functions for which IBP will occur. In the process, we establish several properties of the SLI class of networks, which include the characterization of the complement of the SLI class in terms of embedding a specific set of networks, and also an algorithm which determines whether a graph is SLI in linear time. We further prove that the worst-case inefficiency performance of ICWE is no worse than the standard Wardrop equilibrium.
翻译:为了系统地研究关于向某些用户提供的路线的额外信息的影响(例如,通过基于全球定位系统的路线指导系统),我们引入了一种新的堵塞游戏,用户在其中拥有关于现有边缘的不同信息组,只能使用由信息组边缘组成的路径。在界定了信息受限制的Wardrop Equiprium(ICWE)的概念之后,我们转而研究我们的主要重点:额外信息是否有害(从产生更大的平衡成本/延误的意义上说)?我们以信息布拉斯拉多的Paradox(IBP)的形式提出这一问题,它扩大了典型的Braess Paradox在交通平衡方面的轨迹,并询问接受额外信息的用户是否会变得更加糟糕。我们对这个问题的全面回答表明,在一系列线性独立的网络中,这是系列系列平行网络的严格子集,不可能发生最坏的,而在任何不属于SLI类的网络中,存在着更差的边际成本功能配置,而IMBLI网络的直线性能决定了SLI的准确性能在SLI级中,我们在SLI的某级中进一步确定SLI的标准。