Rail breaks are one of the most common causes of derailments internationally. This is no different for the South African Iron Ore line. Many rail breaks occur as a heavy-haul train passes over a crack, large defect or defective weld. In such cases, it is usually too late for the train to slow down in time to prevent a de-railment. Knowing the risk of a rail break occurring associated with a train passing over a section of rail allows for better implementation of maintenance initiatives and mitigating measures. In this paper the Ore Line's specific challenges are discussed and the currently available data that can be used to create a rail break risk prediction model is reviewed. The development of a basic rail break risk prediction model for the Ore Line is then presented. Finally the insight gained from the model is demonstrated by means of discussing various scenarios of various rail break risk. In future work, we are planning on extending this basic model to allow input from live monitoring systems such as the ultrasonic broken rail detection system.
翻译:铁路中断是国际脱轨的最常见原因之一。 这对南非铁矿石线来说没有区别。 许多铁路中断是重航列车通过裂缝、大缺陷或有缺陷的焊接而发生的。 在这种情况下,火车通常为时太晚,无法及时减速以防止脱轨。 了解铁路穿越一段铁路而发生铁路中断的风险,可以更好地实施维护举措和减轻措施。 本文讨论了奥雷线的具体挑战,并审查了可用于创建铁路突破风险预测模型的现有数据。 然后介绍了奥雷线的基本铁路中断风险预测模型的开发情况。最后,通过讨论各种铁路突破风险的各种情景,展示了从该模型中获得的洞察力。 在今后的工作中,我们正计划扩大这一基本模型,以便能够从诸如超声波破碎铁路探测系统等现场监测系统获得投入。