In device-to-device (D2D) coded caching problems, it is possible that not all users will make file requests in the delivery phase. Hence, we propose a new D2D centralized coded caching problem, named the 3-user D2D coded caching with two random requesters and one sender (2RR1S), where in the delivery phase, any two of the three users will make file requests, and the user that does not make any file request is the designated sender. We find the optimal caching and delivery scheme, denoted as the 2RRIS scheme, for any number of files N by proving matching converse and achievability results. It is shown that coded cache placement is needed to achieve the optimal performance. Furthermore, the optimal rate-memory tradeoff has a uniform expression for N>=4 and different expressions for N=2 and 3. To examine the usefulness of the proposed model and scheme, we adapt the 2RR1S scheme to two scenarios. The first one is the 3-user D2D coded caching model proposed by Ji et al. By characterizing the optimal rate-memory tradeoff for the 3-user D2D coded caching when N=2, which was previously unknown, we show that the adapted 2RR1S scheme is in fact optimal for the 3-user D2D coded caching problem when N=2 and the cache size is medium. The benefit comes from coded cache placement which is missing from existing D2D coded caching schemes. The second scenario is where in the delivery phase, each user makes a file request randomly and independently with the same probability p. We call this model the request-random D2D coded caching problem. Adapting the 2RR1S scheme to this scenario, we show the superiority of our adapted scheme over other existing D2D coded caching schemes for medium to large cache size.