We consider neural networks (NNs) where the final layer is down-scaled by a fixed hyperparameter $\gamma$. Recent work has identified $\gamma$ as controlling the strength of feature learning. As $\gamma$ increases, network evolution changes from ``lazy'' kernel dynamics to ``rich'' feature-learning dynamics, with a host of associated benefits including improved performance on common tasks. In this work, we conduct a thorough empirical investigation of the effect of scaling $\gamma$ across a variety of models and datasets in the online training setting. We first examine the interaction of $\gamma$ with the learning rate $\eta$, identifying several scaling regimes in the $\gamma$-$\eta$ plane which we explain theoretically using a simple model. We find that the optimal learning rate $\eta^*$ scales non-trivially with $\gamma$. In particular, $\eta^* \propto \gamma^2$ when $\gamma \ll 1$ and $\eta^* \propto \gamma^{2/L}$ when $\gamma \gg 1$ for a feed-forward network of depth $L$. Using this optimal learning rate scaling, we proceed with an empirical study of the under-explored ``ultra-rich'' $\gamma \gg 1$ regime. We find that networks in this regime display characteristic loss curves, starting with a long plateau followed by a drop-off, sometimes followed by one or more additional staircase steps. We find networks of different large $\gamma$ values optimize along similar trajectories up to a reparameterization of time. We further find that optimal online performance is often found at large $\gamma$ and could be missed if this hyperparameter is not tuned. Our findings indicate that analytical study of the large-$\gamma$ limit may yield useful insights into the dynamics of representation learning in performant models.