Substantial efforts have been applied to engineer CA with desired emergent properties, such as supporting gliders. Recent work in continuous CA has generated a wide variety of compelling bioreminiscent patterns, and the expansion of CA research into continuously-valued domains, multiple channels, and higher dimensions complicates their study. In this work we devise a strategy for evolving CA and CA patterns in two steps, based on the simple idea that CA are likely to be complex and computationally capable if they support patterns that grow indefinitely as well as patterns that vanish completely, and are difficult to predict the difference in advance. The second part of our strategy evolves patterns by selecting for mobility and conservation of mean cell value. We validate our pattern evolution method by re-discovering gliders in 17 of 17 Lenia CA, and also report 4 new evolved CA and 1 randomly evolved CA that support novel evolved glider patterns. The CA reported here share neighborhood kernels with previously described Lenia CA, but exhibit a wider range of typical dynamics than their Lenia counterparts. Code for evolving continuous CA is made available under an MIT License (
翻译:对具有理想的突发特性(如支持滑翔机)的CA工程进行了大量的努力。最近,在连续CA中的工作产生了各种令人信服的生物迷你模式,并将CA研究扩展到持续价值的域、多个渠道和更高层面,使得他们的研究复杂化。在这项工作中,我们设计了一种战略,以两个步骤发展CA和CA模式,其基础是简单的想法,即CA如果支持无限期增长的模式,以及完全消失的模式,并且难以预先预测差异,那么CA很可能是复杂和具有计算能力的。我们战略的第二部分通过选择移动性和保护中值来发展模式。我们通过在17个Lenia CA中17个重新发现滑翔机,并报告4个新进化的CA和1个随机进化的CA,支持新进的滑翔机模式。CA在这里报告,CAA与以前描述的Lenia CA具有共同的相邻室,但展示的典型动态范围比Lenia对应方更为广泛。在MITA许可证(下提供了不断演进CA的代码。