In the storied Colonel Blotto game, two colonels allocate $a$ and $b$ troops, respectively, to $k$ distinct battlefields. A colonel wins a battle if they assign more troops to that particular battle, and each colonel seeks to maximize their total number of victories. Despite the problem's formulation in 1921, the first polynomial-time algorithm to compute Nash equilibrium (NE) strategies for this game was discovered only quite recently. In 2016, \citep{ahmadinejad_dehghani_hajiaghayi_lucier_mahini_seddighin_2019} formulated a breakthrough algorithm to compute NE strategies for the Colonel Blotto game in computational complexity $O(k^{14}\max\{a,b\}^{13})$, receiving substantial media coverage (e.g. \citep{Insider}, \citep{NSF}, \citep{ScienceDaily}). This is the only known provably efficient algorithm for the Colonel Blotto game with general parameters. In this work, we present the first known algorithm to compute $\epsilon$-approximate NE strategies in the two-player Colonel Blotto game in runtime $\widetilde{O}(\epsilon^{-4} k^8 \max\{a,b\})$ for arbitrary settings of these parameters. Moreover, this algorithm computes approximate coarse correlated equilibrium strategies in the multiplayer Colonel Blotto game (when there are $\ell > 2$ colonels) with runtime $\widetilde{O}(\ell \epsilon^{-4} k^8 n + \ell^2 \epsilon^{-2} k^3 n)$, where $n$ is the maximum troop count. Before this work, no polynomial-time algorithm was known to compute exact or approximate equilibrium (in any sense) strategies for multiplayer Colonel Blotto with arbitrary parameters. Our algorithm computes these approximate equilibria through a novel (to the author's knowledge) sampling technique with which it implicitly performs multiplicative weights update over the exponentially many strategies available to each player.
翻译:在存储的布洛托上校游戏中, 两位上校分别分配了美元和美元, 用于不同的战场。 一位上校如果派更多的部队参加这场特定战斗, 就能赢得一场战斗, 而每一位上校都试图最大限度地增加他们的胜利总数。 尽管这个问题在1921年的配方, 但这个游戏的计算纳什平衡( NE) 的第一个多年度算法直到最近才被发现。 在2016年,\ciep{ ahmadinejad_ dehghani_hajighay_lucier_ mahini_ seddighin_ 2019}, 设计了一个突破性算法, 在计算复杂性方面为上校布洛托游戏计算NE战略 $ (k\ 14\ maxa, b\ 13} $, 获得大量媒体的覆盖 (e. g.\\ ciepter) compecial { compatial} compatial_ comlitial_ comlistria_ pal commax pal 。 在这项工作上, 我们第一次知道的是, liental_ rad listria_ ral_ ral_ ral_ ral_ dal_ dal_ dals