Since the 1960s Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems have been used within industry. Referred to as critical infrastructure (CI), key installations such as power stations, water treatment and energy grids are controlled using SCADA. Existing literature reveals inherent security risks to CI and suggests this stems from the rise of interconnected networks, leading to the hypothesis that the rise of interconnectivity between corporate networks and SCADA system networks pose security risks to CI. The results from studies into previous global attacks involving SCADA and CI, with focus on two highly serious incidents in Iran and Ukraine, reveal that although interconnectivity is a major factor, isolated CIs are still highly vulnerable to attack due to risks within the SCADA controllers and protocols.
翻译:自1960年代以来,监管控制和数据采集系统在行业内一直使用,被称为关键基础设施(CI),电站、水处理和能源网等关键设施使用SCADA加以控制,现有文献揭示了CI的内在安全风险,并表明这是因互联网络的兴起而产生的,由此产生的假设是,公司网络与SCAD系统网络之间相互联系的增强对CI构成安全风险。 以往涉及SCAD和CI的全球袭击的研究结果,重点是伊朗和乌克兰的两起严重事件,显示虽然互联性是一个主要因素,但孤立的CI仍然极易受到SCAD控制器和协议内的风险的打击。