Due to the pseudo-anonymity of the Bitcoin network, users can hide behind their bitcoin addresses that can be generated in unlimited quantity, on the fly, without any formal links between them. Thus, it is being used for payment transfer by the actors involved in ransomware and other illegal activities. The other activity we consider is related to gambling since gambling is often used for transferring illegal funds. The question addressed here is that given temporally limited graphs of Bitcoin transactions, to what extent can one identify common patterns associated with these fraudulent activities and apply them to find other ransomware actors. The problem is rather complex, given that thousands of addresses can belong to the same actor without any obvious links between them and any common pattern of behavior. The main contribution of this paper is to introduce and apply new algorithms for local clustering and supervised graph machine learning for identifying malicious actors. We show that very local subgraphs of the known such actors are sufficient to differentiate between ransomware, random and gambling actors with 85% prediction accuracy on the test data set.
翻译:由于Bitcoin网络的伪匿名性,用户可以躲在比特币地址背后,这种地址可以无限制数量地在飞天上产生,而没有正式的联系。 因此, 参与赎金软件和其他非法活动的行为者正在使用它进行付款转移。 我们所考虑的其他活动与赌博有关, 因为赌博经常被用来转移非法资金。 这里讨论的问题是, Bitcoin 交易的图纸时间有限, 在多大程度上可以识别与这些欺诈活动有关的共同模式, 并应用它们来寻找其他赎金软件的参与者。 问题相当复杂, 因为数千个地址可以属于同一个行为者, 但他们之间没有任何明显的联系, 以及任何共同的行为模式。 本文的主要贡献是引入和应用新的算法, 用于本地集和监管的图形机器学习, 以识别恶意行为者。 我们表明, 已知的这些行为者的本地子图纸足以区分赎金软件、 随机 和赌博行为者, 测试数据集的预测精确度为85% 。