The increasing adoption of facial processing systems in India is fraught with concerns of privacy, transparency, accountability, and missing procedural safeguards. At the same time, we also know very little about how these technologies perform on the diverse features, characteristics, and skin tones of India's 1.34 billion-plus population. In this paper, we test the face detection and facial analysis functions of four commercial facial processing tools on a dataset of Indian faces. The tools display varying error rates in the face detection and gender and age classification functions. The gender classification error rate for Indian female faces is consistently higher compared to that of males -- the highest female error rate being 14.68%. In some cases, this error rate is much higher than that shown by previous studies for females of other nationalities. Age classification errors are also high. Despite taking into account an acceptable error margin of plus or minus 10 years from a person's actual age, age prediction failures are in the range of 14.3% to 42.2%. These findings point to the limited accuracy of facial processing tools, particularly for certain demographic groups, and the need for more critical thinking before adopting such systems.
翻译:印度日益采用面部处理系统充满了隐私、透明、问责和缺少程序保障等关切。 同时,我们对这些技术如何在印度13.4亿以上人口的不同特征、特征和皮肤质谱上发挥作用知之甚少。在本文中,我们用印度面部数据集测试了四种商业面部处理工具的面部检测和面部分析功能。这些工具在面部检测和性别和年龄分类功能方面显示的误差率各不相同。印度女性的性别分类误差率一直高于男性,女性的误差率最高为14.68%。在某些情况下,这一误差率远远高于以往对其他国籍女性的研究显示的误差率。年龄分类错误也很高。尽管考虑到从一个人的实际年龄起可被接受的误差幅度为加10年或10年,但年龄预测失败率在14.3%至42.2%之间。这些发现,面部处理工具的准确性有限,特别是对某些人口群体而言,在采用这种系统之前需要更批判性思考。