Deep convolutional neural networks have been widely employed as an effective technique to handle complex and practical problems. However, one of the fundamental problems is the lack of formal methods to analyze their behavior. To address this challenge, we propose an approach to compute the exact reachable sets of a network given an input domain, where the reachable set is represented by the face lattice structure. Besides the computation of reachable sets, our approach is also capable of backtracking to the input domain given an output reachable set. Therefore, a full analysis of a network's behavior can be realized. In addition, an approach for fast analysis is also introduced, which conducts fast computation of reachable sets by considering selected sensitive neurons in each layer. The exact pixel-level reachability analysis method is evaluated on a CNN for the CIFAR10 dataset and compared to related works. The fast analysis method is evaluated over a CNN CIFAR10 dataset and VGG16 architecture for the ImageNet dataset.
翻译:深相神经网络被广泛用作处理复杂和实际问题的有效技术,然而,根本问题之一是缺乏分析其行为的正式方法。为了应对这一挑战,我们提议一种方法,计算网络精确可达的数据集,给一个输入域,可达的数据集由面板结构代表。除了计算可达数据集外,我们的方法还可以追溯到输入域,给一个输出可达数据集。因此,可以实现对网络行为的全面分析。此外,还采用了快速分析方法,通过考虑每一层选定的敏感神经元,快速计算可达数据集。精确的像素级可达性分析方法在CNN上为CIFAR10数据集进行评估,并与相关工作进行比较。快速分析方法由CNN CIFAR10数据集和图像网络数据集VGG16架构进行评估。