We present a new approximation scheme for the price and exercise policy of American options. The scheme is based on Hermite polynomial expansions of the transition density of the underlying asset dynamics and the early exercise premium representation of the American option price. The advantages of the proposed approach are threefold. First, our approach does not require the transition density and characteristic functions of the underlying asset dynamics to be attainable in closed form. Second, our approach is fast and accurate, while the prices and exercise policy can be jointly produced. Third, our approach has a wide range of applications. We show that the proposed approximations of the price and optimal exercise boundary converge to the true ones. We also provide a numerical method based on a step function to implement our proposed approach. Applications to nonlinear mean-reverting models, double mean-reverting models, Merton's and Kou's jump-diffusion models are presented and discussed.
翻译:我们为美国选择方案的价格和实行政策提出了一个新的近似方案。这个方案基于基本资产动态过渡密度的Hermite 多元扩张以及美国选择价格的早期行使溢价代表。拟议方法的优点有三重。首先,我们的方法并不要求以封闭形式实现基本资产动态的过渡密度和特征功能。第二,我们的方法是快速和准确的,而价格和实行政策可以联合产生。第三,我们的方法有广泛的应用。我们表明,拟议的价格近似和最佳行使界限与真实的一致。我们还提供了一种基于执行拟议方法的一步函数的数字方法。提出了非线性平均反转模型、双向中转模型、Merton和Kou的跳入扩散模型的应用,并进行了讨论。