The generic limit set of a cellular automaton is a topologically dened set of congurations that intends to capture the asymptotic behaviours while avoiding atypical ones. It was dened by Milnor then studied by Djenaoui and Guillon rst, and by T{\"o}rm{\"a} later. They gave properties of this set related to the dynamics of the cellular automaton, and the maximal complexity of its language. In this paper, we prove that every non trivial property of these generic limit sets of cellular automata is undecidable.
翻译:细胞自动图集的通用限值是一组在结构学上嵌入的拼图,旨在捕捉无症状行为,同时避免非典型行为。它由Milnor封住,然后由Djenaoui和Guillon rst研究,后来由T~"o}rm\"a}研究。它们赋予了这组特性与细胞自动图的动态及其语言的最大复杂性有关。在本文中,我们证明这些通用的细胞自动图集的每一个非次要属性是不可确定的。