The proliferation of misleading or false information spread by untrustworthy websites has emerged as a significant concern on the public agenda in many countries, including Slovakia. Despite the influence ascribed to such websites, their transparency and accountability remain an issue in most cases, with published work on mapping the administrators and connections of untrustworthy websites remaining limited. This article contributes to this body of knowledge (i) by providing an effective open-source tool to uncover untrustworthy website networks based on the utilization of the same Google Analytics/AdSense IDs, with the added ability to expose networks based on historical data, and (ii) by providing insight into the Slovak untrustworthy website landscape through delivering a first of its kind mapping of Slovak untrustworthy website networks. Our approach is based on a mix-method design employing a qualitative exploration of data collected in a two wave study conducted in 2019 and 2021, utilizing a custom-coded tool to uncover website connections. Overall, the study succeeds in exposing multiple novel website ties. Our findings indicate that while some untrustworthy website networks have been found to operate in the Slovak infosphere, most researched websites appear to be run by multiple mutually unconnected administrators. The resulting data also demonstrates that untrustworthy Slovak websites display a high content diversity in terms of connected websites, ranging from websites of local NGOs, an e-shop selling underwear to a matchmaking portal.
翻译:包括斯洛伐克在内的许多国家的公共议程中都对误导性或虚假信息的扩散产生了重大关切。尽管这些网站具有影响力,但它们的透明度和问责制在多数情况下仍然是一个问题,因为已出版的关于测绘管理者和不可信网站链接的工作仍然有限。 文章有助于这一知识体系:(一) 提供有效的开放源码工具,以发现基于使用同一谷歌分析/AdSense IDs的不可信网站网络的不可信网络,增加了披露基于历史数据的网络的能力,以及(二) 通过首次对斯洛伐克不可信网站网络进行类型的测绘,对斯洛伐克不可信网站的景观进行深入了解。我们的方法是以混合方法设计为基础,对2019年和2021年两次浪潮研究中收集的数据进行定性探索,利用定制的识别网站链接的工具。总体而言,该研究成功地暴露了多种新的网站联系。我们的调查结果表明,虽然一些不可信的网站被发现在斯洛伐克的地层运作,但大多数研究网站都以混合方法为基础,利用2019年和2021年两次浪潮研究中收集的数据,利用定制工具披露网站的链接。