We initiate the study of incentive-compatible forecasting competitions in which multiple forecasters make predictions about one or more events and compete for a single prize. We have two objectives: (1) to incentivize forecasters to report truthfully, so that forecasts are informative and forecasters need not spend any cognitive effort strategizing about reports, and (2) to award the prize to the most accurate forecaster. Proper scoring rules incentivize truthful reporting if all forecasters are paid according to their scores. However, incentives become distorted if only the best-scoring forecaster wins a prize, since forecasters can often increase their probability of having the highest score by reporting more extreme beliefs. In this paper, we introduce two novel forecasting competition mechanisms. Our first mechanism is dominant strategy incentive compatible and guaranteed to select the most accurate forecaster with probability higher than any other forecaster. Moreover, we show that in the standard single-event, two-forecaster setting and under mild technical conditions, no other incentive-compatible mechanism selects the most accurate forecaster with higher probability. Our second mechanism is incentive compatible when forecasters' beliefs are such that information about one event does not lead to a belief update on the other events, and it selects the best forecaster with probability approaching 1 as the number of events grows. Our mechanisms are easy to implement and can be generalized to the related problems of outputting a ranking over forecasters and hiring a forecaster with high accuracy on future events.
翻译:我们开始研究与激励相容的预测竞争,让多个预测者对一个或多个事件作出预测,并竞争一个奖项。我们有两个目标:(1) 激励预测者真实地报告,以便预测者信息丰富,预测者不需要花费任何认知努力来为报告制定战略,(2) 奖励最准确的预测者。适当的评分规则激励所有预测者按其分数付款时真实地报告。然而,如果只有最精明的预测者赢得一个奖项,那么奖励就会被扭曲,因为预测者往往通过报告极端的信念而增加得分最高的可能性。在本文件中,我们引入两个新的预测竞争机制。我们的第一个机制是主要战略激励机制,可以选择最准确的预测者,其概率比任何其他预测者高。此外,我们在标准单事件、两个前方设置和在温和的技术条件下,没有其他符合最精确的奖励机制选择最准确的预测者。我们的第二个机制是,在预测者对一个事件进行预测时,一个预测者对一个最容易的预测的预测者,一个比一个预测者更精确的预测者更接近于一个预测的概率,一个比一个更接近于一个预测的事件。