Neurally-parameterized Structural Causal Models in the Pearlian notion to causality, referred to as NCM, were recently introduced as a step towards next-generation learning systems. However, said NCM are only concerned with the learning aspect of causal inference but totally miss out on the architecture aspect. That is, actual causal inference within NCM is intractable in that the NCM won't return an answer to a query in polynomial time. This insight follows as corollary to the more general statement on the intractability of arbitrary SCM parameterizations, which we prove in this work through classical 3-SAT reduction. Since future learning algorithms will be required to deal with both high dimensional data and highly complex mechanisms governing the data, we ultimately believe work on tractable inference for causality to be decisive. We also show that not all ``causal'' models are created equal. More specifically, there are models capable of answering causal queries that are not SCM, which we refer to as \emph{partially causal models} (PCM). We provide a tabular taxonomy in terms of tractability properties for all of the different model families, namely correlation-based, PCM and SCM. To conclude our work, we also provide some initial ideas on how to overcome parts of the intractability of causal inference with SCM by showing an example of how parameterizing an SCM with SPN modules can at least allow for tractable mechanisms. We hope that our impossibility result alongside the taxonomy for tractability in causal models can raise awareness for this novel research direction since achieving success with causality in real world downstream tasks will not only depend on learning correct models as we also require having the practical ability to gain access to model inferences.
翻译:“珍珠”概念中“珍珠”概念中的结构性因果模型(称为“NCM”)最近被引入,作为下一代学习系统的一个步骤。然而,他说NCM只是关注因果推断的学习方面,但完全忽略了建筑方面的结构方面。也就是说,NCM内部的实际因果推断是难以解决的,因为NCM不会在多元时间里将答案反馈给查询。这种洞见的必然结果是关于任意的 SCM 参数的可选性这一更笼统的说明,我们在这项工作中通过经典的3-SAT能力减缩证明了这一点。由于未来学习算法需要处理高维量数据和高度复杂的数据管理机制,我们最终相信关于因果关系的可理解性推论工作是决定性的。我们还表明,并非所有的“causal”模型都是相同的。 更具体地说,有些模型能够回答非SCMM的因果质质查询,我们称之为“referreial Connational ” (“PCM”),我们从这个模型中可以看出,我们如何在直径可理解性模型中找到一个最难的可变的可变的可变的可变性模型。