Machine Reassignment is a challenging problem for constraint programming (CP) and mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) approaches, especially given the size of data centres. The multi-objective version of the Machine Reassignment Problem is even more challenging and it seems unlikely for CP or MILP to obtain good results in this context. As a result, the first approaches to address this problem have been based on other optimisation methods, including metaheuristics. In this paper we study under which conditions a mixed-integer optimisation solver, such as IBM ILOG CPLEX, can be used for the Multi-objective Machine Reassignment Problem. We show that it is useful only for small or medium-scale data centres and with some relaxations, such as an optimality tolerance gap and a limited number of directions explored in the search space. Building on this study, we also investigate a hybrid approach, feeding a metaheuristic with the results of CPLEX, and we show that the gains are important in terms of quality of the set of Pareto solutions (+126.9% against the metaheuristic alone and +17.8% against CPLEX alone) and number of solutions (8.9 times more than CPLEX), while the processing time increases only by 6% in comparison to CPLEX for execution times larger than 100 seconds.
翻译:特别是考虑到数据中心的大小,机器改派的多目标版本问题甚至更具挑战性,对于计算机改派问题来说似乎不太可能在这方面取得良好结果。因此,解决这一问题的第一批办法基于其他优化方法,包括美术学。在本文件中,我们研究的是,在何种条件下,混合整流优化解决方案(如IBM ILOG CPLEX)可用于多目标机器改派问题,特别是考虑到数据中心的大小。我们表明,它仅对中小型数据中心有用,而且有所放松,例如最佳容忍差距和搜索空间探索的有限方向。我们还在研究一种混合方法,将甲骨文与CPLEX的结果相匹配。我们的研究表明,从一套混合优化混合优化解决方案(如IBM ILOG CPLEX)的质量(+126.9%)到多目标机器改派的解决方案(仅针对中小型数据中心,而仅对中小型数据中心有用,例如最佳容忍差距和搜索空间中探索的有限方向。我们还要调查一种混合方法,用CPLEX的结果来喂养美术,从PLEX的结果在质量上很重要,只有+126.9%,而仅比C-CPL的C的比C的比C的进度增加了8倍。