Although quantum circuits have been ubiquitous for decades in quantum computing, the first complete equational theory for quantum circuits has only recently been introduced. Completeness guarantees that any true equation on quantum circuits can be derived from the equational theory. Our contribution is twofold: (i) We simplify this equational theory by proving that several rules can be derived from the remaining ones. In particular, two out of the three most intricate rules are removed, the third one being slightly simplified. (ii) We extend the complete equational theory to quantum circuits with ancillae or qubit discarding, to represent respectively quantum computations using an additional workspace, and hybrid quantum computations. We show that the remaining intricate rule can be greatly simplified in these more expressive settings. The development of simple and complete equational theories for expressive quantum circuit models opens new avenues for reasoning about quantum circuits. It provides strong formal foundations for various compiling tasks such as circuit optimisation, hardware constraint satisfaction and verification.
翻译:虽然量子电路数十年来无处不在,但量子电路的第一个完整的方程理论直到最近才引入。完整性保证量子电路上的任何真实方程都可以从等式理论中得出。我们的贡献有两个方面:(一) 我们简化了这个方程理论,证明可以从其余规则中得出若干规则。特别是,三个最复杂的规则中有两个规则被删除,第三个规则略为简化。 (二) 我们把完整的方程理论扩大到有动脉或平方位丢弃的量子电路,以分别代表使用额外工作空间的量子计算和混合量子计算。我们表明,在这些更清晰的环境下,剩下的复杂规则可以大大简化。为表达量子电路模型开发简单完整的方程理论,为量子电路的推理开辟了新的途径。它为诸如电路优化、硬件制约满足和核实等各种汇编任务提供了牢固的正式基础。</s>