We discuss secure computation of modular sum when multiple access channel from distinct players $A_1, \ldots, A_c$ to a third party (Receiver) is given. Then, we define the secure modulo sum capacity as the supremum of the transmission rate of modulo sum without information leakage of other information. We derive its useful lower bound, which is numerically calculated under a realistic model that can be realizable as a Gaussian multiple access channel.
翻译:我们讨论在提供来自不同玩家的多个访问频道 $A_1,\ldots, A_c$给第三方( Receiver)时安全计算模块总和。 然后,我们将安全模块总和能力定义为modulo总和传输速率的精度,而没有其他信息泄漏信息。 我们从中获取其有用的下限,这是根据一个现实模式进行的数字计算,可以作为高斯多访问频道实现。