The goal of the project "Facial Metrics for EES" is to develop, implement and publish an open source algorithm for the quality assessment of facial images (OFIQ) for face recognition, in particular for border control scenarios.1 In order to stimulate the harmonization of the requirements and practices applied for QA for facial images, the insights gained and algorithms developed in the project will be contributed to the current (2022) revision of the ISO/IEC 29794-5 standard. Furthermore, the implemented quality metrics and algorithms will consider the recommendations and requirements from other relevant standards, in particular ISO/IEC 19794-5:2011, ISO/IEC 29794-5:2010, ISO/IEC 39794-5:2019 and Version 5.2 of the BSI Technical Guideline TR-03121 Part 3 Volume 1. In order to establish an informed basis for the selection of quality metrics and the development of corresponding quality assessment algorithms, the state of the art of methods and algorithms (defining a metric), implementations and datasets for quality assessment for facial images is surveyed. For all relevant quality aspects, this document summarizes the requirements of the aforementioned standards, known results on their impact on face recognition performance, publicly available datasets, proposed methods and algorithms and open source software implementations.
翻译:“EES的面部图像法”项目的目标是,开发、实施和公布用于面部图像质量评估的开放源码算法(OFIQ),以进行面部识别,特别是边境管制设想方案。 1 为了推动对QA的面部图像应用的要求和做法的统一,该项目获得的洞察力和开发的算法将有助于目前对ISO/IEC 297994-5标准的修订(2022年);此外,实施的质量衡量标准和算法将考虑其他相关标准的建议和要求,特别是ISO/IEC 19794-5:2011、ISO/IEC 29794-5:2010、ISO/IEC 397-5:2019和BSI技术准则TR-03121第3卷第1卷第1卷第5.2版。为了为选择质量衡量标准和制定相应的质量评估算法奠定一个知情的基础,对用于面部图像质量评估的方法和算法(确定衡量标准)、实施和数据集的状况进行了调查。关于所有相关质量评估的定性方面,本文件概述了上述标准的要求、公开分析结果和公开数据系统对公众认识的影响的公开数据。