We explore the property of equivocation tolerance for Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs). We show that a subclass of CRDTs is equivocation-tolerant and can thereby cope with any number of Byzantine faults: Without equivocation detection, prevention or remediation, they still fulfill strong eventual consistency (SEC). We also conjecture that there is only one operation-based CRDT design supporting non-commutative operations that fulfills SEC in Byzantine environments with any number of faults.
翻译:我们探索了无冲突重复数据类型(CRDTs)的等同容忍特性。 我们发现,CRDTs的一个子类是平等容忍性,因此可以处理任何数量的拜占庭差错:在不进行异端检测、预防或补救的情况下,它们最终仍能达到很强的一致性(SEC ) 。 我们还推测,只有一种基于操作的CRDT设计支持非混合操作,在拜占庭环境中满足SEC, 并且存在任何数量的差错。