This paper outlines the Sensor Platform for HEalthcare in Residential Environment (SPHERE) project and details the SPHERE challenge that will take place in conjunction with European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery (ECML-PKDD) between March and July 2016. The SPHERE challenge is an activity recognition competition where predictions are made from video, accelerometer and environmental sensors. Monetary prizes will be awarded to the top three entrants, with Euro 1,000 being awarded to the winner, Euro 600 being awarded to the first runner up, and Euro 400 being awarded to the second runner up.
翻译:本文件概述了住宅环境中健康护理传感器平台(SPHERE)项目,并详细介绍了2016年3月至7月期间与欧洲机器学习和知识发现原则与实践会议(ECML-PKDD)联合举行的SPHERE挑战;SPHERE挑战是一个活动识别竞赛,通过视频、加速度计和环境传感器作出预测;货币奖将颁发给前三名进入者,获奖者将获1 000欧元,获奖者将获600欧元,获奖者将获奖者将获第一名,获奖者将获400欧元。