Siri's introduction in 2011 marked the beginning of a wave of domestic voice assistant releases, and this technology has since become commonplace in consumer devices such as smartphones and TVs. But as their presence expands there have also been a range of ethical concerns identified around the use of voice assistants, such as the privacy implications of having devices that are always recording and the ways that these devices are integrated into the existing social order of the home. This has created a burgeoning area of research across a range of fields including computer science, social science, and psychology. This paper takes stock of the foundations and frontiers of this work through a systematic literature review of 117 papers on ethical concerns with voice assistants. In addition to analysis of nine specific areas of concern, the review measures the distribution of methods and participant demographics across the literature. We show how some concerns, such as privacy, are operationalized to a much greater extent than others like accessibility, and how study participants are overwhelmingly drawn from a small handful of Western nations. In so doing we hope to provide an outline of the rich tapestry of work around these concerns and highlight areas where current research efforts are lacking.