Timed automata are a common formalism for the verification of concurrent systems subject to timing constraints. They extend finite-state automata with clocks, that constrain the system behavior in locations, and to take transitions. While timed automata were originally designed for safety (in the wide sense of correctness w.r.t. a formal property), they were progressively used in a number of works to guarantee security properties. In this work, we review works studying security properties for timed automata in the last two decades. We notably review theoretical works, with a particular focus on opacity, as well as more practical works, with a particular focus on attack trees and their extensions. We derive main conclusions concerning open perspectives, as well as tool support.
翻译:时间自动数据是受时间限制的同步系统核查的常见形式主义。 它们扩展了带时钟的限定状态自动数据, 限制系统在各地的行为, 并进行过渡。 虽然时间自动数据最初设计是为了安全( 广义的正确性( w.r.t. 正式财产 ), 但是它们被逐渐用于许多工程以保证安全特性。 在这项工作中, 我们审查研究过去二十年时间自动数据的安全特性的工作。 我们特别审查了理论工作, 特别侧重于不透明性, 以及更实用的工作, 特别侧重于攻击树及其延伸。 我们得出关于开放视角的主要结论, 以及工具支持 。