We propose a novel distributed monetary system called Hearsay that tolerates both Byzantine and rational behavior without the need for agents to reach consensus on executed transactions. Recent work [5, 10, 15] has shown that distributed monetary systems do not require consensus and can operate using a broadcast primitive with weaker guarantees, such as reliable broadcast. However, these protocols assume that some number of agents may be Byzantine and the remaining agents are perfectly correct. For the application of a monetary system in which the agents are real people with economic interests, the assumption that agents are perfectly correct may be too strong. We expand upon this line of thought by weakening the assumption of correctness and instead adopting a fault tolerance model which allows up to $t < \frac{N}{3}$ agents to be Byzantine and the remaining agents to be rational. A rational agent is one which will deviate from the protocol if it is in their own best interest. Under this fault tolerance model, Hearsay implements a monetary system in which all rational agents achieve agreement on executed transactions. Moreover, Hearsay requires only a single broadcast per transaction. In order to incentivize rational agents to behave correctly in Hearsay, agents are rewarded with transaction fees for participation in the protocol and punished for noticeable deviations from the protocol. Additionally, Hearsay uses a novel broadcast primitive called Rational Reliable Broadcast to ensure that agents can broadcast messages under Hearsay's fault tolerance model. Rational Reliable Broadcast achieves equivalent guarantees to Byzantine Reliable Broadcast [7] but can tolerate the presence of rational agents. To show this, we prove that following the Rational Reliable Broadcast protocol constitutes a Nash equilibrium between rational agents and may therefore be of independent interest.
翻译:我们提出一个发行的货币体系 — — 名叫“道萨” — — 容忍拜占庭和理性行为,而不需要代理人就已执行的交易达成共识。最近的工作(5、10、15)已经表明,分发的货币体系不需要共识,可以使用比占庭(Byzantine)这样的更弱的保障(例如可靠的广播 ) 。然而,这些协议假定,一些代理人可能是拜占庭(Byzantine),其余的代理人完全正确。对于适用一个代理人是真正具有经济利益的人的货币体系来说,认为代理人完全正确而无需代理人就已执行的交易达成共识的假设可能过于强烈。我们通过削弱正确性假设而扩大这一思想的界限,而采用一个允许最高额(美元) < frac{N{%3}美元代理的错误容忍模式,这样可以使用比重更弱的广播原始的保障。一个理性的代理将偏离协议。根据这种错误的容忍模式,所有理性的代理人都能就已执行的交易达成协议。此外,耳萨德只要求进行一次交易的广播。为了鼓励等同的货币代理人的行为,在诚实的汇率上正确行事。