We present DeepIA, a deep neural network (DNN) framework for enabling fast and reliable initial access for AI-driven beyond 5G and 6G millimeter (mmWave) networks. DeepIA reduces the beam sweep time compared to a conventional exhaustive search-based IA process by utilizing only a subset of the available beams. DeepIA maps received signal strengths (RSSs) obtained from a subset of beams to the beam that is best oriented to the receiver. In both line of sight (LoS) and non-line of sight (NLoS) conditions, DeepIA reduces the IA time and outperforms the conventional IA's beam prediction accuracy. We show that the beam prediction accuracy of DeepIA saturates with the number of beams used for IA and depends on the particular selection of the beams. In LoS conditions, the selection of the beams is consequential and improves the accuracy by up to 70%. In NLoS situations, it improves accuracy by up to 35%. We find that, averaging multiple RSS snapshots further reduces the number of beams needed and achieves more than 95% accuracy in both LoS and NLoS conditions. Finally, we evaluate the beam prediction time of DeepIA through embedded hardware implementation and show the improvement over the conventional beam sweeping.
翻译:我们展示了DeepIA, 是一个让AI驱动的5G和6G毫米(mmWave)网络之外的AI驱动的快速和可靠初始访问的深神经网络(DNNN)框架。DeepIA仅使用可用光束的一个子集,比常规的详尽搜索IA进程缩短了光扫时间。DeepIA地图从一组光束到最适合接收器的光束获得信号强(RSS),在视线线(LOS)和非视线(NLOS)条件下,DeepIA减少IA的时间,超过常规IA的光束预测准确性。我们显示,DeepIA饱和IA所用的光束数的光束预测准确性取决于对光束的特定选择。在LOS条件下,选择光束的结果是将精确度提高到70%。在NLOS的情况中,将精确度提高到35%。我们发现,平均的NRS光光光谱将进一步减少IMA的深度预测数量,而最终的硬性预测将超过LAAA的精确度。