Regenerating natural language explanations for science questions is a challenging task for evaluating complex multi-hop and abductive inference capabilities. In this setting, Transformers trained on human-annotated explanations achieve state-of-the-art performance when adopted as cross-encoder architectures. However, while much attention has been devoted to the quality of the constructed explanations, the problem of performing abductive inference at scale is still under-studied. As intrinsically not scalable, the cross-encoder architectural paradigm is not suitable for efficient multi-hop inference on massive facts banks. To maximise both accuracy and inference time, we propose a hybrid abductive solver that autoregressively combines a dense bi-encoder with a sparse model of explanatory power, computed leveraging explicit patterns in the explanations. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed framework can achieve performance comparable with the state-of-the-art cross-encoder while being $\approx 50$ times faster and scalable to corpora of millions of facts. Moreover, we study the impact of the hybridisation on semantic drift and science question answering without additional training, showing that it boosts the quality of the explanations and contributes to improved downstream inference performance.