Dirac notation is the most common way to describe quantum states and operations on states. It is very convenient and allows for quick visual distinction between vectors, scalars and operators. For quantum processes that involve interactions of multiple systems an even better visualisation has been proposed by Coecke and Kissinger, in the form of a diagrammatic formalism [CK2017]. Their notation expresses formulas in the form of diagrams, somewhat similar to Feynman diagrams, and is more general than the circuit notation for quantum computing. This document consists of two parts. (1) We give a brief summary of the diagrammatic notation of quantum processes, tailored to readers who already know quantum physics and are not interested in general process theory. For this audience our summary is less daunting than the encyclopaedic book by Coecke and Kissinger [CK2017], and on the other hand more accessible than the ultra-compact introduction of [KTW2017]. We deviate a somewhat from [CK2017,KTW2017] in that we do not assume basis states to equal their own complex conjugate; this means that we do not use symmetric notation for basis states, and it leads us to explicitly show arrows on wires where they are usually omitted. (2) We extend the work of Kissinger, Tull and Westerbaan [KTW2017] which gives a diagrammatic security proof for BB84 and 6-state Quantum Key Distribution. Their proof is based on a sequence of diagrammatic manipulations that works when the bases used in the protocol are mutually unbiased. We extend this result to 8-state encoding, which has been proposed as a tool in quantum key recycling protocols [SdV2017,LS2018], and which does not have mutually unbiased bases.
翻译:描述各州量子状态和运行的最常见方式是 Dirac 符号 。 它非常方便, 并允许对矢量、 星标和操作器进行快速直观区分 。 对于涉及多个系统互动的量子进程, Coecke 和 Kissinger 以图表形式提出了更佳的视觉化。 它们的符号以图表形式表示公式, 有点类似于 Feynman 图表, 并且比量子计算电路符号更为普通 。 此文档由两部分组成 。 (1) 我们为已经了解量子物理并且对一般过程理论不感兴趣的读者定制的量子进程图解符号的简要摘要。 对于这个读者来说, 我们的概要比 Coecke 和 Kissinger 的百科书[ CK2017] 更不那么令人生畏, 而另一方面, 与[ KTW2017] 的极相近的解解式解析。 我们从 [CLS2017, KTW2017] 在某种程度上偏离了量序的图解词。 我们不认为, 这个基底基基点不是自己使用精确的直径直径直径直径直径, 。