Motivation: This paper presents libRoadRunner 2.0, an extensible, high-performance, cross-platform, open-source software library for the simulation and analysis of models expressed using Systems Biology Markup Language SBML). Results: libRoadRunner is a self-contained library, able to run both as a component inside other tools via its C++ and C bindings, and interactively through its Python or Julia interface. libRoadRunner uses a custom Just-In-Time JIT compiler built on the widely-used LLVM JIT compiler framework. It compiles SBML-specified models directly into native machine code for a large variety of processors, making it appropriate for solving extremely large models or repeated runs. libRoadRunner is flexible, supporting the bulk of the SBML specification (except for delay and nonlinear algebraic equations) and including several SBML extensions such as composition and distributions. It offers multiple deterministic and stochastic integrators, as well as tools for steady-state, sensitivity, stability analysis, and structural analysis of the stoichiometric matrix. Availability: libRoadRunner binary distributions are available for Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows. The library is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0. libRoadRunner is also available for ARM-based computers such as the Raspberry Pi and can in principle be compiled on any system supported by LLVM-13. provides online documentation, full build instructions, binaries, and a git source repository.
翻译:动力: 本文展示了 libRoadRunner 2. 0, 是一个可扩展、 高性能、 跨平台、 开放源码软件库, 用于模拟和分析使用系统生物标记语言 SBML 表达的模型。 结果 : libRoadRunner 是一个自足的图书馆, 能够通过 C++ 和 C 捆绑在其它工具中作为组成部分运行, 并通过其 Python 或 Julia 界面互动运行。 libRoadRunner 使用一个基于广泛使用的 LLVM JIT 编译器框架的自定义 JIT 实时 JIT 编译器。 它将 SBML 指定的模型直接编成各种处理器的本地机码, 使其适合解决极大型模型或重复运行。 libRoadRunner 能够灵活, 支持 SBML( 延迟和非线性等), 并包含若干 SBMLL 扩展的扩展。 它提供多种确定性、 和直径支持性存储器/ 调化的调,, 和调化, 以及用于稳定的R IMLIS 原则 的 的版本的版本化 的版本化 的文档的文档的文档的版本化和结构, 。