Voltage fault injection (FI) is a well-known attack technique that can be used to force faulty behavior in processors during their operation. Glitching the supply voltage can cause data value corruption, skip security checks, or enable protected code paths. At the same time, modern systems on a chip (SoCs) are used in security-critical applications, such as self-driving cars and autonomous machines. Since these embedded devices are often physically accessible by attackers, vendors must consider device tampering in their threat models. However, while the threat of voltage FI is known since the early 2000s, it seems as if vendors still forget to integrate countermeasures. This work shows how the entire boot security of an Nvidia SoC, used in Tesla's autopilot and Mercedes-Benz's infotainment system, can be circumvented using voltage FI. We uncover a hidden bootloader that is only available to the manufacturer for testing purposes and disabled by fuses in shipped products. We demonstrate how to re-enable this bootloader using FI to gain code execution with the highest privileges, enabling us to extract the bootloader's firmware and decryption keys used in later boot stages. Using a hardware implant, an adversary might misuse the hidden bootloader to bypass trusted code execution even during the system's regular operation.
翻译:电压过错注射( FI) 是一种众所周知的攻击技术, 可用于强制处理器操作过程中的错误行为。 滑动供应电压可能导致数据价值腐败, 跳过安全检查, 或启用受保护的代码路径 。 同时, 芯片( SoCs) 上的现代系统被用于安全关键应用, 如自驾驶汽车和自动机器 。 由于这些嵌入装置通常为攻击者所接近, 销售商必须考虑在它们的威胁模型中安装设备。 但是, 虽然自2000年代初以来, 电压FI的威胁就已经为人所知, 但似乎供应商仍然忘记了整合反措施。 这项工作显示, 一种Nvidia SoC 的整个启动系统的安全性能如何被Tesla的自动驾驶器和奔驰- Benz 的防腐蚀系统所绕过 。 我们发现一个隐藏的loadloadload器只供制造商测试, 并且由于运货的引信而禁用。 我们展示了如何重新启用这个导管器, 使用FIFI 来获得最高权限的代码执行代码, 使得我们能够重新操作一个固定的导系统。 。 使用一个加密的导系统在操作过程中, 。
NVIDIA Tegra,中國大陸官方中文名稱:“图睿”,是由NVIDIA開發的系統單晶片系列產品,2008年6月1日正式發表,替代之前的GoForce系列。主要用於手持式裝置,如智能手機(SmartPhone)、行動上網裝置(MID)等。Tegra可搭配NVIDIA專為智慧型手機及平板電腦開發的NVIDIA Icera系列晶片組。Tegra的主要競爭對手是高通和德州儀器的對應產品...