This paper studies the {\em good-case latency} of {\em unauthenticated} Byzantine fault-tolerant broadcast, which measures the time it takes for all non-faulty parties to commit given a non-faulty broadcaster. For both asynchrony and synchrony, we show that $n\geq 4f$ is the tight resilience threshold that separates good-case 2 rounds and 3 rounds. For asynchronous Byzantine reliable broadcast (BRB), we also investigate the {\em bad-case latency} for all non-faulty parties to commit when the broadcaster is faulty but some non-faulty party commits. We provide matching upper and lower bounds on the resilience threshold of bad-case latency for BRB protocols with optimal good-case latency of 2 rounds. In particular, we show 2 impossibility results and propose 4 asynchronous BRB protocols.
翻译:本文研究的是Byzantine 错误容忍性广播(BRB) 的“好”的“好”的“好”的“好”的“好”的“不”的“不”字,它衡量所有非“错”的当事方对非“错”的广播机作出承诺所需的时间。对于“无”和“同步”两个字,我们显示,$n\geq 4f$是将“好”两发和“三”分开的“强”的“紧”弹性阈值。对于“不” Byzantine 可靠广播(BRB),我们还调查所有非“错误”的“坏”字的当事方在广播机有错误但“不“错”一方有“错”时所承诺的时间。我们为BRB协议的“坏“坏”的“常”的“差”的“差”值阈值提供了匹配的“上和下“差”的“差”界限,而“最佳”两发的“最佳”的“好”的“中值。特别是,我们显示2个“不可能的结果,并提出4个“无”字的“不“坏”的“坏”的“不”字式的“坏”协议。