Modern microbiome compositional data are often high-dimensional and exhibit complex dependency among microbial taxa. However, existing approaches to analyzing microbiome compositional data either do not adequately account for the complex dependency or lack scalability to high-dimensionality, which presents challenges in appropriately incorporating the "random effects" in microbiome compositions in the resulting statistical analysis. We introduce a generative model called the "logistic-tree normal" (LTN) model to address this need. The LTN marries two popular classes of models -- the log-ratio normal (LN) and the Dirichlet-tree (DT) -- and inherits key benefits of each. LN models are flexible in characterizing covariance among taxa but lacks scalability to higher dimensions; DT avoids this issue through a tree-based binomial decomposition but incurs restrictive covariance. The LTN incorporates the tree-based decomposition as the DT does, but it jointly models the corresponding binomial probabilities using a (multivariate) logistic-normal distribution as in LN models. It therefore allows rich covariance structures as LN, along with computational efficiency realized through a Polya-Gamma augmentation on the binomial models at the tree nodes. Accordingly, Bayesian inference on LTN can readily proceed by Gibbs sampling. The LTN also allows common techniques for effective inference on high-dimensional data -- such as those based on sparsity and low-rank assumptions in the covariance structure -- to be readily incorporated. Depending on the goal of the analysis, LTN can be used either as a standalone model or embedded into more sophisticated hierarchical models. We demonstrate its use in estimating taxa covariance and in mixed-effects modeling. Finally, we carry out an extensive case study using an LTN-based mixed-effects model to analyze a longitudinal dataset from the DIABIMMUNE project.
翻译:现代微生物构成数据往往是高度的,在微生物分类中表现出复杂的依赖性。然而,现有分析微生物构成数据的方法要么不能充分说明复杂的依赖性,要么不能从高度上调缩缩放,这在将“随机效应”适当纳入微生物构成中提出了挑战。我们引入了一个称为“逻辑树正常”(LTN)的基因化模型,以满足这一需要。LTN与两个流行的模型类别(对比正常(LN)和Drichlet树(DT))结合,继承了每种模型的主要好处。LN模型在确定税种之间易变异性时具有灵活性,但缺乏向更高层面的可伸缩性;DT在将“随机效应”的“随机效应”纳入微生物构成中,但具有限制性的共变异性。LTN将基于树种的变异性模型纳入DTTT(LTN),但LN模型使用(多变性)的逻辑-正常分布(LN模式),因此,让富余的共性软性软性软性软性软性软性结构结构结构,作为IMLLIG(OLI) 的快速数据分析,同时在硬性数据模型中,在硬性变变变变变变的常规数据模型中,在硬性模型中,在硬性数据分析中使用。