Both magnetic-resonance damping and the giant magnetoresistance effect have been predicted to be strongly affected by the local density of states in thin ferromagnetic films. We employ the antiferromagnetic coupling between Co and Gd to provide a spontaneous change from parallel to antiparallel alignment of two Co films. A sharp increase in magnetic damping accompanies the change from parallel to antiparallel alignment, analogous to resistivity changes in giant magnetoresistance.
翻译:磁共振阻力和巨大的磁电效应都预计会受到薄铁磁胶片中各州本地密度的强烈影响。 我们使用高公司和Gd之间的抗地磁联动来提供两部Co电影的自发性变化,从平行到抗平行。 磁阻力的急剧增长伴随着从平行到抗平行的对齐的变化,类似于巨型磁力的抵抗性变化。