Ajax applications are designed to have high user interactivity and low user-perceived latency. Real-time dynamic web data such as news headlines, stock tickers, and auction updates need to be propagated to the users as soon as possible. However, Ajax still suffers from the limitations of the Web's request/response architecture which prevents servers from pushing real-time dynamic web data. Such applications usually use a pull style to obtain the latest updates, where the client actively requests the changes based on a predefined interval. It is possible to overcome this limitation by adopting a push style of interaction where the server broadcasts data when a change occurs on the server side. Both these options have their own trade-offs. This paper explores the fundamental limits of browser-based applications and analyzes push solutions for Ajax technology. It also shows the results of an empirical study comparing push and pull.
翻译:Ajax 应用程序的设计是拥有高用户互动性和低用户感知的延迟时间。 需要尽快向用户传播实时动态网络数据, 如新闻头条、 库存列表、 拍卖更新等。 但是, Ajax 仍然受到网络请求/ 反应结构的限制, 使服务器无法推动实时动态网络数据。 这些应用程序通常使用拉动样式获取最新更新, 客户会积极要求根据预设的间隔进行修改。 如果服务器在服务器一侧播放数据时采用推动式的互动, 有可能克服这一限制。 这两个选项都有其自身的取舍。 本文探讨了基于浏览器的应用的基本限制, 并分析了 Ajax 技术的推动解决方案 。 文件还展示了对比推力和拉力的经验研究结果 。