As data are generated more and more from multiple disparate sources, multiview data sets, where each sample has features in distinct views, have ballooned in recent years. However, no comprehensive package exists that enables non-specialists to use these methods easily. mvlearn is a Python library which implements the leading multiview machine learning methods. Its simple API closely follows that of scikit-learn for increased ease-of-use. The package can be installed from Python Package Index (PyPI) and the conda package manager and is released under the MIT open-source license. The documentation, detailed examples, and all releases are available at
翻译:由于数据越来越多地来自多种不同来源,多视图数据集(每个样本具有不同观点的特点)近年来已经膨胀起来,然而,没有能够使非专家容易使用这些方法的综合包件。 mvlearn是一个Python图书馆,它采用主要的多视图机学习方法,其简单的API与Scikit-learn相近,以便更方便地使用。该包可以安装在Python软件包索引(PyPI)和 conda软件包管理器下,并按麻省理工省理工学院开放源码许可证发布。文件、详细实例和所有版本可在上查阅。