Evaluating a building's wireless performance during the building design process is a new paradigm for wireless communications and building design. This paper proposes the earliest building wireless performance (BWP) evaluation theory focusing on the channel delay spread (DS). The novel contributions of this paper lie in the following aspects. 1) We define a new metric called DS gain, which is the first metric for evaluating the channel DS performance of a building under design. 2) We propose an analytical model to compute the metric quickly and accurately. 3) The proposed scheme is validated via Monte-Carlo simulations under typical indoor scenarios. Numerical results reveal that building design has a clear impact on the root mean square (RMS) DS. In the future, architects need to design a building taking its DS gain into account carefully. Otherwise, indoor networks in it will suffer from severe signal inter-symbol interference (ISI) due to an over large DS gain.
翻译:在建筑设计过程中评价建筑物无线性能是无线通信和建筑设计的新范例。本文件提出建筑无线性能最早的评价理论,重点是频道延迟分布(DS)。本文的新贡献在于以下几个方面。 1)我们定义了称为DS收益的新指标,这是评价设计中建筑物DS频道性能的第一个衡量标准。 2)我们提议了一个分析模型,以快速准确地计算该计量。 3)拟议计划通过典型室内情景下的蒙特卡洛模拟得到验证。数字结果表明,建筑设计对根正方形(RMS)DS有明显影响。今后,建筑设计师需要仔细考虑DS收益。 否则,室内网络将因巨大的DS收益而遭受严重的信号间相波干扰(ISI)。