The package cleanNLP provides a set of fast tools for converting a textual corpus into a set of normalized tables. The underlying natural language processing pipeline utilizes Stanford's CoreNLP library, exposing a number of annotation tasks for text written in English, French, German, and Spanish. Annotators include tokenization, part of speech tagging, named entity recognition, entity linking, sentiment analysis, dependency parsing, coreference resolution, and information extraction.
翻译:软件包 CleanNLP 提供了一套快速工具,用于将文本材料转换成一套标准化表格。 基础自然语言处理管道利用斯坦福的核心国家语言处理管道图书馆,展示了英文、法文、德文和西班牙文文本的批注任务。 批注包括象征性化、语言标记的一部分、名称实体识别、实体连接、情绪分析、依赖分析、引用分辨率和信息提取。