We describe a study conducted at a large public university campus in the United States which shows the efficacy of network log information for digital contact tracing and prediction of COVID-19 cases. Over the period of January 18, 2021 to May 7, 2021, more than 216 million client-access-point associations were logged across more than 11,000 wireless access points (APs). The association information was used to find potential contacts for approximately 30,000 individuals. Contacts are determined using an AP colocation algorithm, which supposes contact when two individuals connect to the same WiFi AP at approximately the same time. The approach was validated with a truth set of 350 positive COVID-19 cases inferred from the network log data by observing associations with APs in isolation residence halls reserved for individuals with a confirmed (clinical) positive COVID-19 test result. The network log data and AP-colocation have a predictive value of greater than 10%; more precisely, the contacts of an individual with a confirmed positive COVID-19 test have greater than a 10\% chance of testing positive in the following 7 days (compared with a 0.79% chance when chosen at random, a relative risk ratio of 12.6). Moreover, a cumulative exposure score is computed to account for exposure to multiple individuals that test positive. Over the duration of the study, the cumulative exposure score predicts positive cases with a true positive rate of 16.5% and missed detection rate of 79% at a specified operating point.
翻译:我们描述在美国一个大型公立大学校园进行的一项研究,该研究显示数字联系追踪和预测COVID-19案件网络记录信息的有效性。在2021年1月18日至2021年5月7日期间,超过2.16亿个客户接入点协会在超过11 000个无线接入点(APs)上登录,协会信息用于为大约30 000人寻找潜在联系。联系使用AP合用算法确定,该算法假定在大约同时有两名个人与同一无线网络信息系统连接时进行接触。该方法验证了从网络日志数据中推断出350个正COVID-19案例的真相集。在隔离居住大厅中观察与APs的联系,为已确认(临床)的CVID-19测试结果超过11 000个个人保留了2.16个客户接入点。网络日志数据和AP的连接值预测值超过10 %;更准确地说,在确认有COVID-19测试结果的个人在大约7天内进行检测的机会大于10个百分点(而随机选择为0.79%的COVID-19个案例,而累积风险率为16个预测风险率的累计风险率。此外,对16个个人进行积极接触率的累积风险率进行了计算。