The wide availability of data coupled with the computational advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning promise to enable many future technologies such as autonomous driving. While there has been a variety of successful demonstrations of these technologies, critical system failures have repeatedly been reported. Even if rare, such system failures pose a serious barrier to adoption without a rigorous risk assessment. This paper presents a framework for the systematic and rigorous risk verification of systems. We consider a wide range of system specifications formulated in signal temporal logic (STL) and model the system as a stochastic process, permitting discrete-time and continuous-time stochastic processes. We then define the STL robustness risk as the risk of lacking robustness against failure. This definition is motivated as system failures are often caused by missing robustness to modeling errors, system disturbances, and distribution shifts in the underlying data generating process. Within the definition, we permit general classes of risk measures and focus on tail risk measures such as the value-at-risk and the conditional value-at-risk. While the STL robustness risk is in general hard to compute, we propose the approximate STL robustness risk as a more tractable notion that upper bounds the STL robustness risk. We show how the approximate STL robustness risk can accurately be estimated from system trajectory data. For discrete-time stochastic processes, we show under which conditions the approximate STL robustness risk can even be computed exactly. We illustrate our verification algorithm in the autonomous driving simulator CARLA and show how a least risky controller can be selected among four neural network lane keeping controllers for five meaningful system specifications.
翻译:数据的广泛提供,加上人工智能和机器学习的计算进步,使得许多未来技术,如自主驾驶等,能够实现未来技术的计算进步。虽然这些技术得到了各种成功的演示,但多次报告了关键的系统故障,即使很少报告,这种系统故障也严重妨碍采用,即使这种系统故障没有严格的风险评估,也是非常罕见的。本文件为系统系统进行系统和严格的风险核查提供了一个框架。我们认为,以信号时间逻辑(STL)和有条件的值风险模拟系统,系统规格是广泛的系统规格,允许离散时间和连续时间的随机程序。我们随后将STL稳健性风险定义为缺乏稳健性防止故障的风险。我们提出这种定义的动机是,因为系统故障往往是由于对模型错误、系统扰动和基本数据生成过程中的分布变化缺乏稳健性导致的。在定义中,我们允许一般的风险评估措施和侧重于尾部风险措施,例如风险和有条件的值风险。尽管STL稳健性风险风险在一般难以计算,但我们提议大约的STL稳定性风险风险风险风险风险是,我们所选择的SL稳健性风险等级,我们所选择的Starrial Rental Rental roal roint rocal 能够显示我们如何显示我们准确的准确的准确的准确的准确的准确的Stard 。