Mobile digital billboards are an effective way to augment brand-awareness. Among various such mobile billboards, taxicab rooftop devices are emerging in the market as a brand new media. Motov is a leading company in South Korea in the taxicab rooftop advertising market. In this work, we present a lightweight yet accurate deep learning-based method to predict taxicabs' next locations to better prepare for targeted advertising based on demographic information of locations. Considering the fact that next POI recommendation datasets are frequently sparse, we design our presented model based on neural ordinary differential equations (NODEs), which are known to be robust to sparse/incorrect input, with several enhancements. Our model, which we call LightMove, has a larger prediction accuracy, a smaller number of parameters, and/or a smaller training/inference time, when evaluating with various datasets, in comparison with state-of-the-art models.
翻译:移动数字广告牌是提高品牌意识的有效途径。 在各种移动广告牌中,计税天台设备正在市场中以品牌新媒体的形式出现。 Motov是韩国在计税天台广告市场上的一家领先公司。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个轻量但准确的深层次学习方法来预测计税人下一站,以更好地准备根据地点的人口信息进行有针对性的广告。考虑到下一个POI建议数据集经常稀少,我们设计了我们以神经普通差异方程式(NODEs)为基础的模型,据知该方程式对稀疏/不正确的输入十分有力,并有几种改进。我们的模型(我们称之为LightMove)的预测准确性更高,参数较少,而且(或)在与最新模型相比以各种数据集进行评估时,培训/推论时间较小。