With an increase in low-cost machine learning APIs, advanced machine learning models may be trained on private datasets and monetized by providing them as a service. However, privacy researchers have demonstrated that these models may leak information about records in the training dataset via membership inference attacks. In this paper, we take a closer look at another inference attack reported in literature, called attribute inference, whereby an attacker tries to infer missing attributes of a partially known record used in the training dataset by accessing the machine learning model as an API. We show that even if a classification model succumbs to membership inference attacks, it is unlikely to be susceptible to attribute inference attacks. We demonstrate that this is because membership inference attacks fail to distinguish a member from a nearby non-member. We call the ability of an attacker to distinguish the two (similar) vectors as strong membership inference. We show that membership inference attacks cannot infer membership in this strong setting, and hence inferring attributes is infeasible. However, under a relaxed notion of attribute inference, called approximate attribute inference, we show that it is possible to infer attributes close to the true attributes. We verify our results on three publicly available datasets, five membership, and three attribute inference attacks reported in literature.
翻译:随着低成本机器学习API的增多,先进的机器学习模式可能会在私人数据集上接受培训,并通过提供服务进行货币化。但是,隐私研究人员已经表明,这些模型可能通过成员推推推攻击泄露培训数据集中记录的信息。在本文中,我们更仔细地审视文献中报告的又一起推论攻击,称为属性推论,攻击者试图据此推断培训数据集中使用的部分已知记录缺失的属性,通过将机器学习模型作为 API 访问,我们表明,即使分类模型屈服于会籍推断攻击,也不太可能将推断攻击归咎于推论攻击。我们表明,这是因为成员推论攻击未能区分附近一个非成员。我们称攻击者有能力将两种(相似)矢量区分为强烈的推论。我们表明,成员推论攻击无法推断出在这种强势环境中的成员资格,因此推论属性是不现实的。但是,在一种较宽松的属性概念下,我们称之为大约的属性判断了三个属性。我们称之为“属性”的属性,我们称,我们称,攻击者能够将两个(相似的)矢量区分为强烈的矢量。我们所报告的攻击结果。我们说,我们所报告的数据显示,可能显示,会籍中可以推断出三种属性是真实的。