Parametric verification of linear temporal properties for stochastic models can be expressed as computing the satisfaction probability of a certain property as a function of the parameters of the model. Smoothed model checking (smMC) aims at inferring the satisfaction function over the entire parameter space from a limited set of observations obtained via simulation. As observations are costly and noisy, smMC is framed as a Bayesian inference problem so that the estimates have an additional quantification of the uncertainty. In smMC the authors use Gaussian Processes (GP), inferred by means of the Expectation Propagation algorithm. This approach provides accurate reconstructions with statistically sound quantification of the uncertainty. However, it inherits the well-known scalability issues of GP. In this paper, we exploit recent advances in probabilistic machine learning to push this limitation forward, making Bayesian inference of smMC scalable to larger datasets and enabling its application to models with high dimensional parameter spaces. We propose Stochastic Variational Smoothed Model Checking (SV-smMC), a solution that exploits stochastic variational inference (SVI) to approximate the posterior distribution of the smMC problem. The strength and flexibility of SVI make SV-smMC applicable to two alternative probabilistic models: Gaussian Processes (GP) and Bayesian Neural Networks (BNN). The core ingredient of SVI is a stochastic gradient-based optimization that makes inference easily parallelizable and that enables GPU acceleration. In this paper, we compare the performances of smMC against those of SV-smMC by looking at the scalability, the computational efficiency and the accuracy of the reconstructed satisfaction function.