The class of gross substitutes (GS) set functions plays a central role in Economics and Computer Science. GS belongs to the hierarchy of {\em complement free} valuations introduced by Lehmann, Lehmann and Nisan, along with other prominent classes: $GS \subsetneq Submodular \subsetneq XOS \subsetneq Subadditive$. The GS class has always been more enigmatic than its counterpart classes, both in its definition and in its relation to the other classes. For example, while it is well understood how closely the Submodular, XOS and Subadditive classes (point-wise) approximate one another, approximability of these classes by GS remained wide open. In particular, the largest gap known between Submodular and GS valuations was some constant ratio smaller than 2. Our main result is the existence of a submodular valuation (one that is also budget additive) that cannot be approximated by GS within a ratio better than $\Omega(\frac{\log m}{\log\log m})$, where $m$ is the number of items. En route, we uncover a new symmetrization operation that preserves GS, which may be of independent interest. We show that our main result is tight with respect to budget additive valuations. However, whether GS approximates general submodular valuations within a poly-logarithmic factor remains open, even in the special case of {\em concave of GS} valuations (a subclass of Submodular containing budget additive). For {\em concave of Rado} valuations (Rado is a significant subclass of GS, containing, e.g., weighted matroid rank functions and OXS), we show approximability by GS within an $O(\log^2m)$ factor.
翻译:毛替代品( GS) 设置的功能类别在经济学和计算机科学中发挥着核心作用。 GS属于列曼、 莱曼 和尼桑 和其他著名类的 $GS\ subsetneq Submodual Submodual {subsetneq XOS\ subsetneq Subaddivise$。 GS 类别在定义上和与其他类的关系上,总是比对应类更诱人。 例如, GS 属于 exmodal、 XOS 和 subadtive 类( 点对点) 的等级, 类似于一个等级, 这些类别由 elhmmann、 Lehmann 和 Nisan 以及其它突出的等级: $ subssubsetweservilate, 已知的亚最大差距小于 2. ormomodal ocal 值( i mlogy) e- mloglognational=we mlogy macial maxalalal sal sal deal sal sal) exal excial excial exal exal deal deal exl ex excial exlal exlations exlations) 。我们可能 内, 内, 内, 美元值显示一个总预算值的数值的数值的数值的数值的数值值, 。