项目名称: 基于效用优化理论的数据中心网络TCP拥塞控制建模与实现方法研究
项目编号: No.61202426
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 计算机科学学科
项目作者: 王静远
作者单位: 北京航空航天大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 数据中心网络(Date Center Networks,DCN)的TCP拥塞控制技术研究是当前计算机网络领域中一个前沿性热点课题,相关的研究工作目前还处在起步的阶段,因此在方案的有效性、公平性和部署性等方面尚存在着一定的不足,尤其是缺乏建模整个DCN拥塞控制系统的理论模型来为方案设计工作提供有效的指导。针对这一现状,本课题使用网络效用优化理论,对DCN中的TCP拥塞控制系统进行建模,并在模型分析的基础上设计更具DCN适应性的TCP拥塞控制实现方案。具体的研究内容包括:1)构建DCN拥塞控制系统模型;2)研究针对TCP Incast问题的TCP拥塞控制方案;3)研究DCN中TCP拥塞控制算法的效率-公平性优化方案;4)研究新算法在DCN中的演进性部署问题。本课题有望突破DCN中拥塞控制的一些基础性理论问题,大幅度改进和优化DCN中TCP的传输有效性、公平性和部署性,为工程实践奠定坚基础。
中文关键词: 数据中心网络;TCP;拥塞控制;效用优化利用;混合数据中心
英文摘要: TCP congestion control over Data Center Networks (DCN) is a hot research topic in the networking research community. Many solutions on this topic have been proposed in recent years. However, a common limitation of existing solution is that most of their ideas are motivated by intuitive experiment results, and the works that built on solid theory foundation are very few. This limitation leads most of existing solutions are only effective for unique congestion control problem of DCN, for example only for network utilization or for fairness. The solutions that can meet all requirements of DCN congestion control is still lacking. This project plans to investigate the TCP congestion control issue of DCN from a network system modeling perspective, builds a network utility optimization theory based DCN congestion control system model, and proposes a series of TCP congestion control implementations that are more adaptable to DCN. The proposed researches include: 1) building DCN TCP congestion control system model based on the network utility optimization theory. 2) Designing the TCP congestion control solution for TCP Incast. 3) Designing the high performance and fair TCP congestion control algorithm for DCN. 4) Sutding the deployment issues of proposed TCP congestion control algorithms over DCN. All of proposed models
英文关键词: Datacenter networks;TCP;Congestion control;Utility optimization theory;Hybird datacenter